Turn any mattress into the perfect, weatherproof crash pad for your ninja course. This crash pad cover, made of weatherproof vinyl, comes in standard mattress sizes:
Twin - 75" x 38" x 8"
Full - 75" x 54" x 8"
Queen - 80" x 60" x 8"
King - 80" x 76" x 8"
Custom sizes are available to ensure the perfect fit for any crash pad. Please CONTACT US for information and pricing on custom sizes.
Features include Velcro closures on the ends and webbing strap handles on each side. Suitable for indoor or outdoor use, and perfect if you're tired of lugging heavy mats inside to avoid the weather. Available in red, blue or black.
Note: This item is a cover only; it does NOT include the mattress.
This cover is amazingly durable! Highly recommend this.
Mat Cover
I own a cheer gym and we were needing new crash mat covers! Stronghold provided a quality product that was shipped and in our gym within a week. Very impressed with the company and the quality of their products!
Great Cover
I use this cover on my standard 8" gymnastics crash pad when using it outdoors. This is an awesome cover and it has done wonders to preserve the life of my mat when used outside. The velcro closures are generous and very secure. I do wish it had handles sewn on all 4 sides, rather than just the long sides.
Quality product
This product is fantastic! I ordered a king sized cover to protect us from falls on our outdoor rig so I wouldn’t have to drag mattresses in and out every time we want to play. Holds up to the weather, has handles for moving it around, and let’s this 210lb ninja fail endlessly like he is landing on a cloud. This company is great to work with and it shows they care by the craftsmanship of their products. Thank you StrongHold!
We can ship to virtually any address in the world. When you place an order, shipping rates are calculated based off item weight and destination location.
PLEASE NOTE: All items you order are made especially for you! This enables us to offer your choice of color, including custom colors and graphics. Our standard build time is 7-10 days, although we're so excited to get you your items that we often get it done a bit faster. We know you can't wait to start training on your new holds, but please remember to factor in build time in addition to shipping time so you know when the time is right to start checking your mailbox!
Since all Stronghold products are made to order, we only accept returns as a result of our error such as an incorrect or damaged item. Should this be the case, please contact us so we can make it right for you!