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Rings (Set of 2)

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Our 9" plastic rings come in a set of 2 and have endless uses in the ninja gym! Use them with our ring toss pegs or Flying Ape Hangers, or hang them from a set of straps to use on their own.

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We can ship to virtually any address in the world. When you place an order, shipping rates are calculated based off item weight and destination location.

PLEASE NOTE: All items you order are made especially for you! This enables us to offer your choice of color, including custom colors and graphics. Our standard build time is 7-10 days, although we're so excited to get you your items that we often get it done a bit faster. We know you can't wait to start training on your new holds, but please remember to factor in build time in addition to shipping time so you know when the time is right to start checking your mailbox!


Since all Stronghold products are made to order, we only accept returns as a result of our error such as an incorrect or damaged item. Should this be the case, please contact us so we can make it right for you!